We’re all caught up in COVID-19 at this point; it is pretty much the thing on everybody’s minds these days. We hear it in the office, at school, on the tennis courts…everywhere! It’s here, so let’s just talk about what BodyWorks is doing to help keep you healthy and let’s talk about how you can keep yourself healthy.

At BodyWorks, we want to keep our patients safe and healthy. We are cleaning surfaces frequently – wiping down areas or items we all touch a lot (switches, door handles, pens, front desk counter, etc). Chiropractic and massage tables are also cleaned daily. We all wash our hands regularly through the day and you may notice us popping back to the bathroom more frequently to do so!

As far as our cancellation policy, we completely understand that life is changing on an almost daily basis for the time being. With talk of school closings, the potential for family (or yourself) to get sick, and work routine changes, we totally get it! Please do let us know as soon as possible if you have to reschedule your appointment. Also please be patient with us if we need to make some last minute changes with our schedule. We are pretty awesome at BodyWorks, but we’re not completely superhuman (almost though…).

If you are sick or not feeling well, we can reschedule your appointment. If you’ve been in contact with someone who is suspected/diagnosed to have COVID-19, call and we can reschedule your appointment. We also recommend you wash or sanitize your hands upon arrival or leaving the office so we can help keep others healthy.

Let’s also talk about ways you can keep yourself healthy:

Please cough/sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Coughing/sneezing into your hands may be blocking the spread of those microscopic droplets but then you’re just touching stuff…
Wash your hands with soap and water. 20 seconds. We’ve all heard it a bazillion times by now, but that is the most effective way to clean your hands. If soap/water is not available, use hand sanitizer.
Don’t touch your face. This is a tough habit to break as many of us touch our face about 20 times per hour. Make sure your hands are clean before doing so.
If you are immune compromised or elderly, take extra precautions and avoid going out where large groups of people gather.
Eat well! This is a great time to clean up your diet. Leafy greens, veggies, fruits…good clean foods are all important for a well functioning immune system. While your body can work with cheez-its and twinkies, it’s not the ideal source of food.
Exercise – light to moderate exercise is vital for your immune system. On a basic level, exercise triggers an inflammatory response which boosts the immune system. Heavy or excessive exercise can negatively impact your immune system, so maintain a fine balance of exercise.
Sleep – this is the most overlooked piece of advice out there. Sleep is so so important for our nervous system. Our nervous system, in turns, controls every function in our body. 7-9 hours of sleep is necessary for health.
Stress – avoiding stress is also important. The more we experience stress, whether emotional or physical, we compromise our immune system as well. To help lessen stress, whether it be COVID-19 related or something else, it is important to do some self-care things. If you need a referral to a mental health professional, please reach out and we can provide you with some information. Other self-care things involve – meditating, reading, coloring, puzzles, playing (yes, playing!), diaphragmatic breathing, light exercise, and massage.

As of now, my schedule (Dr. Q) will be slightly altered to help out with Lil Q at home (as schools have closed for the next couple weeks), but I hope this will not prove a big disruption to appointments with me. This is all a work in progress! As of now, Dr. Eli and Jonathan are keeping their regular schedules, and we will provide you with any updates.

Please stay healthy and take care of each other!

We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!
Dr. Q and Team BodyWorks